This is what I found on the site of Total Security Solutions -
A modern bullet is a very small, very light, very smooth
thing moving very fast. When it strikes a barrier, that barrier must absorb the
bullet’s momentum or the bullet will crack straight through.
In the following video you’ll see three slow-motion examples
of glass being shot. The first sheet is standard plate glass (the glass used in
most home windows), the second is tempered glass (used in automobile passenger
windows and as part of some bullet proof systems), and the final piece is a
sheet of bullet resistant acrylic (which the host refers to as “bullet proof
In terms of basic ballistics, firing a gun at a sheet of
plate glass is very instructive. A 9mm bullet has a mass around 7.5 grams
(about the same as a freshly minted penny and nickel; the U.S. Mint specifies
that, at production, a nickel is 5 grams and a penny is 2.5 grams). These 7.5
grams of lead are moving at an average of 1,234 feet per second (i.e., 841 mph).
Instead of being cast as a blob or ball, the lead is formed into a smooth cone
designed to cut through a resisting fluid (in this case air) without being
knocked off its path. When it comes into contact with a brittle, rigid
surface–like glass–it transfers very little of its momentum to the surface, and
instead pops through, like the little straw popping into a juice box.
Tempered glass is four or five times stronger than plate
glass. Although the sheet used in the above video clearly is not bullet
resistant glass, the earliest “bullet proof” windows were indeed made from
stacks of laminated glass. Even today tempered glass is occasionally used in
bullet resistant systems.
As you’ll see at 1:15 in the video (below) (and at reduced speed at
1:29), tempered glass breaks very differently from plate glass. Where-as the
light, fast bullet pops right through plate glass, it utterly destroys the
tempered glass, reducing it to many small cubes. This is by design: Plate glass
tends to break into large dagger-like shards. In a storm, accident, or
explosion, these can be more dangerous than whatever caused the window to break
in the first place. Conversely, tempered glass is less likely to break to begin
with, and when it does, the numerous little glass nuggets of shattered tempered
glass are unlikely to cause loss of life or limb. Owing to these two
characteristics–strength and shattering to particles–tempered glass is also
called “safety glass,” and often used in public entryways, display windows,
exterior windows on tall buildings, and in the passenger windows of cars.
There is some neat physics behind this. Tempered glass
begins its life as standard plate glass, which is cut to size (it can’t be cut
after tempering), then precisely heated and cooled in a specialized annealing
furnace. This forces the surface of the glass to cool faster, compressing the
still-molten interior. As the interior cools, it pulls against this hardened
compressive envelope. This balance of compressive (squeezing) and tensile
(pulling) forces makes the glass very strong. But when the surface is broken,
these stresses are knocked out of balance, the crystalline structure collapses,
and the glass crumbles. .
These balanced stresses mean that a sheet of tempered glass
eats up more of a bullet’s momentum upon impact. Early WWII-era bullet
resistant glass was made by laminating together layers of tempered glass; a
bullet might shatter the first couple layers of this “glass sandwich,” but that
shattering would slow the bullet enough to keep it from cracking through the
Here is some really striking one million frame-per-second
super-slow-mo footage of bullets striking tempered glass. (below)
At the 1:52 mark we finally see a legitimate piece of bullet
resistant glass get shot. This is sheet of monolithic acrylic (the shot is
repeated in slow-mo at 2:16). You’ll note that this true bullet resistant glass
behaves very differently from either of the other kinds of glass. The thick,
solid acrylic stops the bullet in its tracks. Sharp-eyed viewers will see the
acrylic jump back a little: since the bullet slams into the acrylic–rather than
popping through–the bullet resistant glass is obliged to absorb all of the
bullet’s forward momentum. Because the shot is from such close range and dead
on, the bullet doesn’t even ricochet. Instead, its energy is converted to heat
by the impact, and the bullet melts. The boiling lead then spatters away as
tiny droplets, which splash across the acrylic, marring its surface. (In this
section of the one-million frame-per-second super-slow-mo footage you can see
bullets actually boil and shatter as they hit lead blocks).
The other popular bullet resistant glass, vital to
higher-level bullet proof systems, is polycarbonate. In this video, Adam Savage
and Jamie Hyneman of Mythbusters explore a number of common “bullet proof”
myths (e.g., Can a deck of cards stop a .22? What about a lighter? A Bible?),
including their own perception that the quarter-inch polycarbonate they use in
their blast shields is bullet proof (spoiler alert: it isn’t).
Of most interest to us is the last half of the video, where
they shoot at an actual Level 3 bullet resistant polycarbonate box. This starts
around the 5:00 mark. At 5:35 they’ve just shot the box with a .357 Magnum.
Rather than boiling away or ricocheting, the bullet is encased in the
thermoplastic. This is because the polycarbonate is significantly softer than
acrylic, allowing the bullet–which is designed to penetrate–to push underneath
the surface of the polycarbonate. The polycarbonate behaves like a very thick
fluid offering a tremendous amount of resistance, and successfully sapping the
bullet of its energy.
Having stopped a .22, .357 Magnum, and .44 Magnum, the
Mythbusters pit their Level 3 bullet resistant glass box against a .30-06 at
6:32. Level 3 bullet resistant glass is rated to resist several shots from a
9mm, .357, or .44–and can often even stop bullets from an M16 or AK-47–but you
need Level 4 glass to stop a high powered rifle. And as you see in the video,
that .30-06 bullet pops through the Level 3 polycarbonate just as easily as the
.38 popped through the plate glass in the first video. Host Jamie Hyneman
marvels that the box “didn’t even jump.” This indicates that almost none of the
bullet’s momentum was transferred to the bullet resistant box. Because the box
couldn’t absorb the forward energy, the bullet cracked straight through.
Compare this to the .44 shot at 6:08: The box easily caught the bullet, sliding
back to absorb the bullet’s momentum.
There you have some great technical info and a great vid - crazy stuff -
But to get back to the original question that my grand son asked, here is another vid that may answer his question even better.
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