Sunday, September 23, 2012

Russian Submarine on Beach

     This is a great photo tho I bet the actually event was a lot more impressive.  The sub looks like it is easily within reach.  I wonder if people actually attempted to swim out to touch.

     Why this photo surfaced (a little submarine joke here)  this month, I am not sure.  It was actually taken in 2006.  That fact doesn't make it any less impressive. 

     Taken on the beach in Severodvinsk on the White Sea.  It has appeared on many blogs and sites with a bit of speculation that it was a fake.  Guess that has been proven to be a real event.
     While this event appears to be a rareity, consider this.  American subs are seen off the Southern California coast on a regular basis.  Especially around  Coronado and Cabrillo Point, San Diego, as shown in the photo below. 

I'm still impressed at both.

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