Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Mr. Rogers Remix

     I know that my kids may now say 'I remember him.  He was so annoying!', when i mention Mr. Rogers.  But what an amazing man, when it came to public television, back in the 70's.  In those days my kids were loving his show.  And what was the baby craze for the following generation?  Barney!  My kids and grand kids say he is annoying also.  So what is wrong with me?   I like them both. 

Just a little about Mr. Fred Rogers -
Rogers was honored extensively for his life work in children's education. He received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the United States' highest civilian honor; a Peabody Award for his career; and was inducted into the Television Hall of Fame. Two resolutions recognizing his work were unanimously passed by U.S. Congress, one of his trademark sweaters was acquired and is on display at the Smithsonian Institution, and several buildings and works of art in Pennsylvania are dedicated to his memory.

     Love him or think he is annoying, you gotta pump up the volume and listen to this remix about "Mr. Roger's Neighborhood".

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